The Git cookbook

Git, you either love it for its power or hate it for it's ui. While I'm a trained git apologist and love its power and flexibility, I've also done a lot of git user support at work and in the #git IRC channel. I understand the frustration of the jumble of jargon, inconsistency and arcana that is the git UI and will help you dive into it!

If you have questions, comments or suggestions about any of the articles, please leave a comment on the article or in the issue tracker on GitLab. Suggestions for new articles are also very welcome!

Repairing and recovering broken git repositories

Posted on Tue 08 December 2015 in Troubleshooting • Tagged with corruption, recovery, reflogLeave a comment

Git tries very hard not to forget anything you have ever committed, but that only works as long as your .git directory is intact. What do you do if it gets corrupted? Many parts of it can be recovered and in this article we find out how to do this.

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